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Parish Life

The Parish Life Ministry at Saint Andrew’s strives to develop an active parish with open arms and generous hearts towards all who visit or worship with us. Through ongoing activities and special events, we seek to encourage a deeper sense of Christian community that includes people of all ages and interests.

Three Kings Celebration

The celebration commemorates the arrival of the Wise Men, or Magi, in Bethlehem to pay homage to the newborn Jesus.  We gather in the Parish Hall after church with coffee and Kings Cake. 


Shrove Tuesday/Mardi Gras
Over the years, the church has chosen to observe the day before Lent with a pancake supper on Shrove Tuesday or a Mardi Gras party on the prior weekend.  Tickets are not sold but donations are given in fundraising support of our youth group or outreach ministry.


Easter Breakfast 

A potluck brunch is held at 9:00 am (between the 8:00 and 10:30 services.) It is an event that brings together parishioners that attend the different services.  


Annual Easter Egg Hunt 

This is held on Easter Sunday for the children of St. Andrew’s. Volunteers help prepare the “eggs” containing favorite treats and hiding them for the children to find.


High School Senior Breakfast

Traditionally held the week before graduation, our church family comes together to celebrate the milestone of graduation for our high school seniors.  Whether they have grown up at St. Andrew's or newer members of our congregation, we honor them with breakfast, cake and congratulations.

4th of July Picnic

Hot dogs, potato salads and sides, and assortment of desserts, this is a favorite event at St. Andrew's.  There is no shortage of laughter and fun shared by all.  


Every Fall, the parish gathers after a 10:30 Sunday service for food, fun, and fellowship.  Brauts, sides and sweets are a plenty!

Halloween Party
Traditionally held the Sunday before Halloween, the party is for both children and adults.  The high school and college students have an active role in planning and conducting activities for kids.  There is not shortage of games and food and creative costumes.

Birthday Party for Baby Jesus
The children (and adults) of St. Andrew’s have a party to celebrate the birth of Jesus. Yes, that means cake! This is traditionally held following the early worship service on Christmas Eve.  Best birthday party of the year!


Summer Night at the Movies
Held periodically during the long summer months, this is an opportunity for fellowship, while watching a favorite movie and sharing popcorn or other light refreshments—and it’s all free!


Potluck Luncheons and Dinners

These events are held on special occasions (baptisms, Bishop visits, confirmations, etc) and at other times determined by the Parish Life ministry.  If you are interested in helping with the Hospiality Committee, please contact our Church Administrator for information.

The Parish Hall Kitchen 

Kitchen volunteers serve a vital role in supporting fellowship meals and hospitality events at St. Andrew's. Kitchen volunteers assist at these parish life activities and ensure that the kitchen is adequately equipped with serving utensils and supplies.  We give thanks to those that volunteer to plans these events.  


Weekly E-News
Twice each week we send out information about activities and events going on at St. Andrew's, and the greater Stillwater community.



Trust God

Serve People




516 W. Third Ave.

(Mailing Address: PO Box 2552)

Stillwater, OK  74074




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